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Back to School! Tips for Getting Organized...

It's hard to believe but it is already time to get organized for the kids to return to school! While sitting poolside, and getting splashed, your brain is probably rifling through your kiddo's supply lists. Here are a few tips for getting organized so you can put your mind at ease and enjoy these last few weeks of summer sunshine...

1. You found your child's supply list online, now do a bit of research and find the best sales for the items needed. Go to the store in the "off" hours, if you can, to avoid the "mob" around the school aisles! Better online! Now is the time to order so that everything arrives on time.

2. Make it fun! Kid's love getting new backpacks and lunch boxes....if you have the time, and you have more than one pumpkin to buy for, consider grabbing a smoothie, and making it a date with each child... That way you can focus your attention on one child, and rather than feeling overwhelmed by this can make it a fun memory.

3. OK try as we may, we all get on a later schedule during the summer months. Its time to revert to an early to bed, early to rise schedule. Start with 15 minutes per day (go to bed 15 minutes earlier, wake up 15 minutes earlier) until you are school schedule ready.

4. Clothing. Let's face it, we still have a few hot weather weeks once the school year starts. You don't have to go crazy buying everything all at fact now is the time to take advantage of "end of summer" sales and buy a few items that can be layered when the weather gets cooler. Prices on the new fads will drop as we get further into fall, and you can take advantage of these lower prices later. Also take the time to go through the kids closets and donate all clothing that is too small, to make room for new clothes.

5. Prepare for all of the incoming paper work...homework, teachers notes, news letters etc.

Here is a great article that has tips and ideas for organizing before the paper storm.....

Finally..plan a last "hoorah" before the school year starts. Have your kiddo's invite a few friends to the local pool, have one last slumber party....set up the tents in the back yard and have a mini camping trip right at home. Have one more s'more (or 2!) and soak up these last few weeks of sun.

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